An honest conversation about the

intersection of science and faith.

Thank you for joining us October 4–5 for a great exploration of the compatibility of science and faith. We heard messages packed with decades of research, and hours of questions from the audience were answered.

Conference Sessions

Messages & Podcasts

Conference Speakers

  • Dr. Hugh Ross


    Dr. Hugh Ross is founder and senior scholar of Reasons to Believe, an organization dedicated to demonstrating the compatibility of science and the Christian faith. With a degree in physics from the University of British Columbia and a PhD in astronomy from the University of Toronto, Hugh continued his research on quasars and galaxies as a postdoctoral fellow at the California Institute of Technology before transitioning to full-time ministry.

  • Dr. Fazale “Fuz” Rana


    Dr. Fazale R. Rana attended West Virginia State College and then Ohio University, where he earned a PhD in chemistry. His postdoctoral work was conducted at the Universities of Virginia and Georgia. He now serves as President and CEO of Reasons to Believe.





*schedule and topics are subject to change

  • 7 PM | Session 1 | Hugh Ross 

    How Astrophysics Pointed Me to God: A kid in British Columbia embarks on his way to understand the stars and finds himself at Caltech as an astrophysicist enamored with the God who created the cosmos. What evidence from the stars was so persuasive that it captured the mind of an irreligious scientist?  

    8 PM | Break

    8:15 PM | Session 2 | Q&A with Hugh Ross & Fuz Rana

  • 8:30 AM | Session 3 | Fuz Rana  

    Creating Life in the Lab: The most common response to synthetic biology is to ask the question, Should we play God? Advances in technology provide us with new insights into God’s necessity in origin, design, and history of life. 

    10 AM | Break 

    10:15 AM | Session 4 | Hugh Ross 

    Space, Time, and How Recent Scientific Discoveries Still Point to God: In the last year or two, scientific journals have reported fresh discoveries that accelerate evidence for God’s existence.   

    11:45 AM | On-site Lunch

    1 PM | Session 5: Breakout Sessions (Pick one to attend)

    • Hugh Ross | Lights in the Sky and Little Green Men: Recent revelations from the U.S. government have reinvigorated conversations about UFOs and extraterrestrial life. Could life exist on other planets? Does documentation exist for UFO sightings? Is there a supernatural explanation for what we observe?

    • Fuz Rana | Part Human, Part Machine—Implications of a World of Iron Men: Today’s bioengineering raises questions about ethics and what that means to humanity.  Some even search for eternal life by combining man and machine. How do we thoughtfully sort through the issues raised by biotechnology?   

    2:30 PM | Break

    2:45 PM | Session 6 | Fuz Rana

    Humans, Animals, and Artificial Intelligence: What Makes Us Exceptional? Recent developments in AI, animal behavior, and the origins of humanity raise questions like: What does it mean to be human? Are humans truly unique? Are we really modeled after God?  

    4:30 PM | Conference ends

  • 9 AM Service | Session 7 | Hugh Ross

    God Is... Bigger than We Know: Some holy books declare that God is transcendent (existing and operating beyond the cosmic spacetime dimensions) but aloof and distant from his creation. Others declare that God is immanent (existing and operating everywhere within the universe) but limited to the universe. The Bible alone declares that God is simultaneously transcendent and immanent. 

    10:45 AM Service | Session 8 | Hugh Ross

    Does Advancing Science Refute or Prove Genesis? Our understanding of science is always evolving. How do recent scientific discoveries relate to the ability of Genesis 1 to accurately describe the physical details of creation?

    6:30 PM | Session 9 | Fuz Rana

    How Bizarre Things in Nature Point to God: The wacky features of bizarre animals make you scratch your head and say, “What the sigma?” But look deeper, and each one points us to a brilliantly creative God.

  • Hugh Ross & Fuz Rana 


$65 General Admission
$25 Student Admission | Special price for middle school, high school, and college students


Christ Community Church
404 S. 108th Ave, Omaha, NE 68154

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